Massager Fitness
Balance Board
*Size : 33 x 6 CM
*Strengthen the core muscle when sitting on the cushion which ...
*Strengthen the core muscle when sitting on the cushion which ...
Balance Board
*Siza : 17.5 x 8.5CM
*Spiky Balance Pods will improve the body's dynamic balance ...
*Spiky Balance Pods will improve the body's dynamic balance ...
Balance Board
*Size : 16.2 x 10.5 x 8.5 CM
*The oval shape Balance pods will improve the body's dynamic b ...
*The oval shape Balance pods will improve the body's dynamic b ...
Trigger Point Ball
*Massage ball can double up as a pain reliever for all
major body muscles and a great warm ...
major body muscles and a great warm ...
Peanut Ball Roller
*Size : φ9.5CM x 20.5 CM
*Perfect still point inducer to use for craniosacral therapy. ...
*Perfect still point inducer to use for craniosacral therapy. ...
Knob Peanut Ball
*Deep Tissue Massage Peanut Ball-it is great for
muscle soreness,knots, tension, and muscle ...
muscle soreness,knots, tension, and muscle ...